Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Andromeda's Satellite Galaxies Orbit Within Thin Superconducting Ring of Electricity

Andromeda's dust clouds that are a few tens of degrees above absolute zero conceal ideal superconducting materials
Ring around Andromeda
Both Andromeda and the Milky Way's satellite galaxies orbit in a thin ring. A superconducting ring of electricity explains the north-south polar structural shape of the thin plane where satellite galaxies orbit within and around their larger parent galaxy. Superconductivity is the mathematical analog of magnetism. This is proof that a huge filament connects Andromeda's and the milky way's  dwarf galaxies to the parent galaxy. There is a fractal hierarchy of cosmic filaments connecting structures together in an electromagnetic universe.
Milky Way's North-South polar structure extends from 33,000 LY from the galactic center out to 1 million LY, and includes satellite galaxies orbiting in a thin flat plane at right angles to the milky way. Dark matter is not possible and a new paradigm shift in cosmology is underway.

Superconductors of Electricity explain Galaxy Shapes
Superconducting Rings Provide Early Universe Clues

Milky way twin galaxy Gama202627 has satellites in a ring 

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