Sunday, July 29, 2012

Electrical Magnetized Birkeland Current Filaments Connect Together Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe

Sprites seen by ISS
Electricity produces electromagnetic surface phenomena - London's surface-generated photons beam skywards from human lights and wildfires, detected and imaged by the new Suoni NPP satellite.

star cluster electrical filaments

Astrochemistry ignites the scientific world by seeking unknown new chemical reactions and molecular structures to replace faulty star fusion models that fail observations. Hydrogen and helium in superliquid and supersolid superconductive states in star cores, and lab examples graphene and silicene, explains the mystery puzzling gravity theorists, for the sun's source of enormous magnetic and electric fields.
Filamentary Web of Galaxies

Metallic Hydrogen in Red Giant Stars

Electricity organizes and connects fractal structures in the universe. Everything learned in science and objective reality comes from studying electromagnetic phenomena. Hydrogen and helium superfluids and supersolids, are being discovered, that superconduct electricity during exotic transitional states under extreme outer space conditions, like those found inside stars and galaxies. The universe's most natural abundant atoms hydrogen and helium, are in a liquid metallic state in the interiors of red giant stars, and the Jovian gas planets. Supersolid Hydrogen-6 forms hexagonal lattices that analogue mimic the electrical properties of graphene, a superconductor at room temperatures. Oxygen and nitrogen ions found in intergalactic filaments should also naturally display superconductivity in outer space, by transforming into a vortex lattice superstructure. Heat converts into electricity when charged plasma ions in a hydrogen filament acquire superfluidity and contacts graphene, rather than just in experimental laboratory aqueous solutions. High temperature iron superconductivity discovered in 2008, when suddenly occurring in a star, explains supernovas having enormous amounts of explosive polarity ejections of plasma iron ions.
star cluster

Souni NPP satellite photo of electricity outages

NGC 1275 Filamentary light emissions
Filaments and moving star clusters produce "fireball knots."
Fireballs - galaxy filament knots
Electric Field Plasma Shock Wave Collisions more accurately interprets cosmology than the Big-bang.
Hannes Alfven Triumphs again by predicting solar Birkeland currents
Graviton sinks Thor to the bottom of the ocean, but the immortal God of electricity and thunder rejuvenates, and unleashes lightning from the upper atmosphere magnetosphere currents, essentially destroying the super villain's hugely inflated ego of controlling the fundamental force of nature.

Friday, July 27, 2012

O-type Binary Stars in the Hottest Electric Filamentary Regions of Space

Current gravity star models fail predictions again. Extremely rare O-type stars shock scientists, having been found in a new ESO study to be 75% in binary systems, that are interacting extremely near to another O-type star.  If gravity was responsible for contracting molecular clouds to form stars, single not binary O-type stars would be common. Scientists had believed that two massive binary stars were extremely rare. Scientists are caught wrongly believing that double pulsars, and x-ray binaries devouring smaller companion stars, was explainable by these being very rare. New findings show that the most massive, brightest, youngest, and shortest lived stars of all, most always have a massive companion binary star component close enough to interact by pulling away gases. These O-type stars are in a league of their own, and for most to be found close together orbiting another of its same kind, literally challenges gravity star formation models. It defies all probabilities, unless these stars are shining by hot plasma birkeland current filaments of electricity.  The highest temperature locations in outer space, that emit intense radiation, are Birkeland current filaments and magnetized knots where these hottest possible conditions are that form O-type stars. Nearby connecting filaments of the same temperature, simply and fully explains why O-type stars are extremely close to one another, and 75% of the time in binary systems with another rare O-type star. O-type stars emit intense gamma rays, which is explainable by electromagnetic plasma phenomena.

Hottest brightest O-type stars are in a binary system of its very own kind

Pismis 24-1 is an O-type star in a binary or trinary system with other O-type stars.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Plasma Whistler Waves and Regularity Singularity discovered mimic warping space-time and Big-bang's gravity

A newly found "Regularity Singularity" in perfect plasma fluids warps space-time at points of general relativistic shock wave interactions, proving Einstein's relativity is wrong, because space-time cannot be locally flat where two shock waves collide, says Temple at UC Davis
A classical explosion by a two wave plasma collision, and not the phony big-bang interpretation, better models the hubble expansion of galaxies, and the warping of space-time, shows Joel Smoller and Temple on their own website.

  Smoller shows that the distance from the shock wave to the center of the big-bang's explosion at present time is comparable to the Hubble distance. Supernovas produce shock waves that warp space-time. Plasmas in outer space behave like exotic superfluids. Dusty plasmas are where stars form in a galaxy's spiral arms. The greatest effects of plasmas are not heating, but bulk kinetic energy as the collective movement of a bulk of particles in a direction parallel to the magnetic field. "Teasing out the motions of plasmas will enable scientists to describe the laws of motion that govern the entire universe," says NASA scientist Wilson, who's team recently studied solar CME's and bow shock waves.  The new NASA paper by Wilson is Observations of electromagnetic whistler precursors at supercritical interplanetary shocks." Instead of gravity, 99% of the universe is actually governed by rules that react to such common things as magnetic force and electrical charge. The material that saturates the universe comprising stars and voids is plasma. A new type of plasma called the whistler wave moves faster than theory predicted, driven by electrical instabilities in the plasma. Whistler waves in CME's or coronal mass ejections are almost as large and massive as the bow shock itself. Regularity singularities could form within stars as shock waves pass within them, says Temple, who is now investigating whether the regularity singularity could produce gravity waves (if only they could stop looking for gravity). Temple's paper is "Points of general relativistic shock wave interaction are regularity singularities where space-time is not locally flat."
Windy Galaxies Interacting

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Magnetic Fields of White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars form exotic molecules H2,He2 perpendicular paramagnetic bonds

Earth's chemistry laws change in outer space.  Exotic, fundamentally different, and brand new laws of chemistry exist near magnetic fields of neutron stars and white dwarfs. "Unknown molecular structures and exotic molecules likely fill outer space, awaiting to be discovered", says Tellgren. Hydrogen H2 disassociates into paramagnetic H2, as does helium He2, which was recently discovered and named "perpendicular paramagnetic bonding," where electrons occupy anti-bonding orbitals, that were believed impossible in chemistry.  Intense magnetic fields stabilize exotic molecules, that likely form cosmic scale sized lifeforms in the universe, by stars producing and ejecting complex organics everywhere as cosmic factories. "Astrochemistry" has emerged showing an entirely unbelieved reality, having greater significance in outer space than earth's chemistry.  Astrochemistry is capable of explaining the universe by electromagnetism, and throwing away the old timers gravity theory. Paper links & story

Chemical perpendicular paramagnetic bonding exists only near intense magnetic fields of white dwarfs and neutron stars,
Intense magnetic fields produce an exotic molecular astrochemistry having new fundamental laws of chemistry

Monday, July 16, 2012

Magnetar Pulsar Confusion Likely Geometric Orientation Line-of-sight

the second star has been discovered to have properties of both a Magnetar and a Pulsar.  Scientists are confused. Can star models evolve and become unifiable?

Magnetar or Pulsar? (Physorg story)

The observer's geometric line-of-sight alignment orientation viewing angle, depends upon whether a pulsar, magnetar, or neutron star is observed, as part of an "evolving stellar unified model." Magnetic fields from cosmic objects like neutron stars warps 3D space-time, and a pulsar is only detectable because it's structure is revealed by beams directly oriented towards earth. NASA and ESA previously found this to already be true for quasars, black holes, magnetars, blazers, seyferts, radio galaxies, etc. as part of an evolving galaxy unified model. 
ESA Hubble says black holes, quasars, active galaxies are same phenomena depending on observer alignment
Same EM phenomena: agn, quasars, magnetars, blazars, many galaxy types, comprise an evolving unified galaxy model.
Geometric shaped oriented galaxies

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Space Portals Connect Earth-Sun Magnetic Fields

Magnetic Portals Connect Bridge Distance of Earth's MF lines to the Sun's MF lines - NASA 2008

Hidden Portals in Earth's Magnetic Field - NASA 2012
Portals of many different sizes and durations of existences are located 20,000 kilometers above earth's surface in the magnetosphere cone, and are changing, moving, and bridging the distance of sun-earth separation, by interconnecting magnetic fields. The earth's orbit produces the earth-sized magnetized dark shielded cone the magnetosphere, that's always in darkness. 

the Avengers: The man who stole tomorrow

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Build your own CLOAKING DEVICE from magnetic tape and off-the-shelf superconductors

EM Black Hole Device without Gravity

Type II SUPERCONDUCTORS constrain the magnetic field in FILAMENTS surrounded by vortex currents.

Type II SUPERCONDUCTORS constrain the magnetic field in FILAMENTS surrounded by vortex currents.
Superfluid helium is a type II superconductor that carries angular momentum by electric currents in quantized vortices