Sunday, April 5, 2015

FL2 Rapid Wound Healing and Internal Body Rejuvenation Medicine

Regulatory corruption delays giving medicine to people in desperate need of it today. The solution to the problem is for people to learn how to make rejuvenation medicines like FL2 and GDF-11 at home.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Protostars, Supernovas, and Galaxies Connected by Double Layer Toroidal Plasma Superfluids

 Star forming regions in the milky way galaxy associated with massive supernovas occuring near the galaxy center.

Star forming region in the Orion nebula

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Cheap handheld Holographic microscope

Build your own CLOAKING DEVICE from magnetic tape and off-the-shelf superconductors

EM Black Hole Device without Gravity

Type II SUPERCONDUCTORS constrain the magnetic field in FILAMENTS surrounded by vortex currents.

Type II SUPERCONDUCTORS constrain the magnetic field in FILAMENTS surrounded by vortex currents.
Superfluid helium is a type II superconductor that carries angular momentum by electric currents in quantized vortices