Saturday, June 23, 2012

Giant Atom Nanoparticles Seen Rapidly Forming Organizing Larger Hierarchical Fractal Structures

Nanoparticles can suddenly transform and replicate, behaving and becoming like gigantic fractal atoms, rapidly organizing smaller nanoparticle sizes into larger-scale hierarchical chain structures.  Zheng's highly acceptable new theory could imply that the universe is organized by similar "top-down" phenomena, from "larger to smaller sizes" having hierarchical chain type symmetry interactions. This two way interaction between larger and smaller constituents comprising the universe, is profoundly lacking in the beginning by singularity of the big-bang cosmology. The nanoscale is the cosmological bridge composed of metamaterials that far exceeds the mimicking of gravity, linking and connecting together atoms with larger-scale structures, including planets, stars, and galaxies. 

When nanoparticles become like giant fractal atoms
"A connecting link between single molecules and hierarchical nanostructures", Zheng says.

Dr Haimei Zheng at Berkeley Lab's Materials Sciences
"Real-Time Imaging of Pt3Fe Nanorod growth in Solution" by Zheng.

Haimei Zheng scientist at Berkeley Lab Materials got the team credit for how attached nanoparticles evolve into nanorods. Real-time observations of growing nanorods from nanoparticles, showed a sudden single nanoparticle transformation, when they started acting like artificial atoms during crystal growth. Only single nanoparticles exist at first during the beginning of crystal growth, until small chains of nanoparticles dominate, until ultimately only long chains exist.  Zheng says "as nanoparticles become attached they initially form winding polycrystalline chains, that eventually align and attach end-to-end to form nanowires that straighten and stretch into single crystal nanorods with length-to-thickness ratios up to 40:1." The milky way galaxy's central bulge or magnetic bar length-to-thickness ratio is 27:1 and the milky way galaxy is 1,000 light years thick, 100,000 light years in diameter length, with an elongated central bulge bar structure stretching 27,000 light years from end-to-end, which supports the theory that nanoparticles shape galaxies and disks. 

A nanotech galaxy model is a good analogy of the milky way.

Dusty protostar disk around TW Hydrae is likely forming by nanoparticles that are aligned and oriented in the same shape as the solar system us disk.  Giant nanoscale atoms further align to make planets and stars. Nanoscale cosmology theory.

Nanoscale graphene structures are tunable vibration wave plasmonic mediums having electrical and magnetic links connecting together quantum physics theories and cosmology. 

Adjacent nanoparticles undergoing continuous rotation and interaction find a perfect fit lattice match, then suddenly jump-to-contact connecting together by oriented attachment by the phenomena known as BIOMINERALIZATION, says Deyoreo at Berkeley labs.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

NGC 3314 Galaxies Spiral Arms Have Connecting Filaments That Stream Stars

the Hubble team claims that an "illusionary trick of perspective" by a chance alignment of two galaxies NGC 3314A (foreground) and NGC 3314B (background), mimics a galaxy collision. As long as galaxies are believed to be gravitational bound objects held together by 90% phony dark matter, ridiculous interpretations like this will continue. Streams of hot blue-white stars extend out from the spiral arms, but the Hubble team claims that no interaction is even taking place, because the galaxies are tens of millions of light years apart. Photos prove that the stars are streaming along an intergalactic filament bridge connecting together the two galaxies. The relative motions of the two galaxies does not matter. Detailed photos of the core region show intricately detailed patterns that connect together like a jigsaw puzzle's pieces, clearly showing that both galaxies are interacting by streaming material.  This is an intergalactic filament along our line of sight that connects together galaxies into galaxy groups and clusters. Halton Arp catalogued many examples of galaxies interacting by filaments, but big-bang cosmology still rejects his interpretation, by relying on attaching dark matter components to filaments.  The Sloan Great Wall supercluster filament is 1.37 billion light years in length. Our milky way's galaxy disk is about 100,000 light years in diameter. Galaxy Filaments commonly stretch tens to hundreds of millions of light years long, which is the distance separating these two galaxies. 
Streaming hot blue-white stars extend out from the spiral arm filaments of both galaxies. These young hot stars form inside filaments like beads on strings, and are seen intricately connecting both galaxies together across a rare line of sight looking through an intergalactic filament spanning tens of millions of light years. Obviously these galaxies are interacting electromagnetically, despite the wrong interpretation by ESA/Hubble.

The Hubble team should not be permitted to deny the truth by citing an optical illusion. Galaxy formation and evolution models based on gravity and dark matter are wrong. ESA Hubble says this is a mimic of a galaxy collision. Others say this is a fake galaxy collision. How can nature fake a galaxy collision? There is fake dark matter, but not fake galaxies interacting. The ESA Hubble scientist Keel, has no paper published, only an interpretation. Sometimes it appears to me that the two galaxies are almost the same distance away from earth, and we are looking at them side by side. Streaming gas clouds from both galaxies seem to overlap and exchange between foreground and background. There is an unusually large round plasma bubble that could be shared by both galaxies. There is clearly no evidence of any black hole, in what appears to be a dust free view of the center of a thin galaxy. Without a black hole in the galaxy's center, that galaxy was relegated by ESA Hubble to be the background galaxy.  

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Streaming Hydrogen Gas Bridge Connects Andromeda and M33 Galaxies Together

Andromeda M31 galaxy and Triangulum M33 galaxy show no evidence of any kind of disruption, and are our nearest neighbor galaxies. The logical and natural conclusion is that streaming hydrogen gas bridges commonly connect together nearby galaxies at fulcrum points located where all the individual galaxy's orbital motions spin and revolve around the "center" of a galaxy group or cluster. A streaming hydrogen bridge was confirmed connecting both galaxies together, however the scientists interpret the findings according to standard big-bang tradition, by saying that a tidal tail formed from a nearby encounter between the two galaxies over 2 billion years ago. Halton Arp's observations of connecting galactic filaments continues to be denied. This is an extreme amount of time for a hypothetical encounter that did not even cause any disruptions. Radio telescopes today cannot detect these extremely faint radio emissions in more distant galaxies. The gas is very tenuous and beyond the reach of most radio telescopes. The only real interpretation is that this feature is nothing extraordinary as the scientists claim, but common with all galaxies.
streaming hydrogen gas bridge connects together our nearest neighbor andromeda galaxy with M33 triangulum galaxy. This cannot be a tidal tail from a close encounter over 2 billion years ago. There is no evidence of disruption of either galaxy. The radio emission is extremely faint and radio telescope capabilities barely detected the tenuous gas bridge and six clumps in the stream show they all share roughly the same relative velocity with respect to earth as the two galaxies together, proving there is a connecting bridge.
The Streaming Fractal Universe
Streaming Gas around Milky Way
In 2010 Streams of Gas was discovered around our milky way galaxy. The phony tidal tail collision theory was presented to explain this happening 2.5 billion years ago. In actuality, the gas streams connect together our satellite galaxies within the milky way's plane, forming a larger-scaled structure.
Aligned spins cause streams in the universe at all hierarchical fractal size scales 
Streaming Satellite Galaxies and Gas within Milky Way's Plane - No gravity tidal tails
Milky way satellite galaxies lose material, stars, and GAS, forming long STREAMS. This lost material is aligned with the plane of galaxies and galaxy clusters, states Pawlowski and Kroupa of the university of Bonn. The satellites are situated and move within the milky way's plane as part of a stable larger-scaled structure. This new April 2012 finding spells serious trouble for dark matter. Kroupa says the findings rule out dark matter and threaten a central pillar of current cosmology. This is a new paradigm shift in cosmology says Kroupa

Friday, June 1, 2012

Milky Way Gamma-ray Jets Produced by Galactic Center Influx of Plasma

The first gamma-ray jets ever found are from our milky way galaxy, and are the only ones close enough to even be seen by NASA's Fermi space telescope. Gamma-ray jets must be presumed to be common features of all galaxies.
Newly discovered gamma-ray jets at 15 degree angles (pink) extend 27,000 LY above and below the milky way's galactic plane. Gamma-ray bubbles (purple) were previously discovered in 2010, also stretch 27,000 LY indicating they are related.
Harvard University astrophysicists Meng Su and Finkbeiner used an image from NASA's Fermi space telescope to discover the first gamma ray jets ever observed emanating from a galaxy.  Only our milky way galaxy is close enough for the Fermi telescope to be able to detect them. Finkbeiner says "suddenly shoving 10,000 (plasma) suns into the galactic center would produce the gamma-ray jets." "A molecular cloud of 10,000 solar masses would make the influx of matter for the galactic core fire up again." "The magnetic field embedded in the disk accelerates the jet material along the spin axis of the (phony unseen theoretically inferred) black hole center of the galaxy."  Meng Su says "the jets were produced when plasma squirted out from the galactic center, after a corkscrew-like magnetic field kept it tightly focused." "The gamma-ray bubbles were created by a wind of hot matter blowing out from the black hole's accretion disk."

So now that the scientists themselves have fully explained in the paper "Evidence for Gamma-ray Jets in the Milky Way"  how electromagnetic forces and plasmas are producing gamma-ray jets, isn't it awful science to say that the gravity by black holes causes this phenomena? 
we don't need no black hole education nor thought control - leave that plasma alone
Fermi found the tycho star supernova shines in gamma rays. Black holes are not required to produce galactic scale gamma ray jets.
Supernova gamma-ray bursts (GRB jets) are believed to precede the supposed postulated formation of unseen stellar black holes. The facts are that phony gravity black holes do not even exist, and do not make any mathematical sense. Graphene and silicon nanospheres absorb and invisibly cloak all kinds of radiation, and are involved in producing many kinds of cosmic phenomena. Silicon nanospheres recently produced have been found to be the only known absorbers and invisibility cloakers of visible light. Kuznetsov at the Data Storage Institute remarkably discovered how silicon nanospheres of many different sizes are produced by laser pulses hitting silicon slabs. Exotic metals mimic black holes by holographic duality and challenge the fundamental laws of condensed matter physics. Holographic duality has been applied to describe a quantum gravity string-theory concept largely explainable by exotic strange metals at M.I.T. by Hong Liu.  Spin and holographic metals are described in a paper by Alexandrov and Coleman. "The broad metal iron K line is the commonly accepted spectra signature by astronomers for a rotating black hole. In actuality, this signature should be correctly interpretated to mean that a black hole is composed of iron in an exotic high density superstate with silicon and carbon. Earth's spinning inner iron core produces the magnetic field, which would be similar to measured galactic magnetic fields. Excited iron atoms produce characteristic X-rays with energies around 6,000 to 7,000 electron volts. Mysterious X-ray AGN sources actually have been found to hover at some height above the accretion disk, and the X-ray source may be located near the bases of these jets."  AMES lab team findings provide clear evidence that rotating "black holes" are exotic irons superconducting friction free electricity where the magnetic field is weakened enough to help or cause the superconduction. Prozorov says iron-based superconductors discovered in 2008 are a new emerging energy technology. Everybody knows that carbon, silicon, and iron are among the most common heavy elements in stars and galaxies, besides hydrogen and helium. Supernovas eject huge amounts of iron that replenishes outer space with more material to form stars. Graphene and silicene mimic one another's electrical conductivity properties, and combine together to form metamaterial nanocomposites from nanometer sizes up to fractal galactic structure cosmology sized black holes...(New Graphene-Silicon Cosmology) that can transform light like black holes and electron tunnel in vortex with lasers.
GRB's from early universe galaxies rich in metals defy the big-bang theory

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Type II SUPERCONDUCTORS constrain the magnetic field in FILAMENTS surrounded by vortex currents.

Type II SUPERCONDUCTORS constrain the magnetic field in FILAMENTS surrounded by vortex currents.
Superfluid helium is a type II superconductor that carries angular momentum by electric currents in quantized vortices