Scientists everywhere were wrong about there not being a relationship between the Russian Chebarkul meteorite and asteroid 2012 DA 14. Organizations everywhere, like NASA, prematurely reported for everyone what and how to believe, as from the expertise of authority, going against true science by saying it was a cosmic coincidence. It was not a coincidence, as we said last week in our story Russian Meteorite and Asteroid 2012 DA14 Likely A Related Incident that asteroids will produce associated magnetized fragments that can be deflected by magnetic fields in space.
An Apollo asteroid came very near asteroid 2012 DA14 a few days before the Russian Chebarkul meteorite impacted. There are about 80 million Apollo asteroids. Most asteroids have smaller associated magnetized fragments that can suddenly change trajectories if a massive body disrupts the magnetic fields
Nearby star HD140283 is believed to be 14.46 + - 0.80 billion years old, according to what are believed credible dating techniques involving amount of metals and mass. The universe is supposed to now be 13.82 billion years old, according to the latest CMB analysis by George Efetathion. Cosmic coincidences in the universe do not happen. The star is very close, only 190 light years away, and older than the universe?? It barely falls within their probability for error, the star could be up to 15.26 billion years old. That's because the big-bang theory is a fairy tale. Stars are younger than galaxies, galaxy clusters, superclusters, hyperclusters...
3D Quasar Gravitational Lens Map observations show motion trails of nearby quasars, resembling the motions of asteroids passing by earth across the fixed background sky of stars.
"The shape of the broad absorption lines were different from each lensed image of the quasar. Scientists narrowed it down to two scenarios: (1) We see different parts of the outflow cloud of material. (2) We see changes over a large size scale over a short period of time, since the lenses images take slightly different paths to get to us."
Scenario (3) The simple explanation: The gravitational lens theory is wrong if quasars are not very far away. Quasar distances are all entirely based on the controversial redshift interpretation for the big-bang and expanding universe. Famous astronomer Halton Arp says that quasars are much closer to us, and that conventional cosmology is wrong.
Nearby moving objects like asteroid 2012 DA14 leave motion trails across the fixed sky of stars. The gravitational lens interpretation has not just two possible interpretations, but a better third interpretation by Halton Arp. Quasars might really be a lot closer to earth than most distant galaxies, and the redshift interpretation for an expanding universe is wrong.
motion trail left behind asteroid 2012 DA14
one nearby moving quasar image
Tiny solar system sized quasar cores are seen along an aligned direct view of the jet, explaining away the mystery for its enormous luminosity, at what is believed to be vast distances.
Viewing angles along line of sight filaments unify galaxy types. Antonucci canonical active galaxy
unification model
Wave phenomena in space generally combine both electric and magnetic fields. Electric fields energize and accelerate ions and electrons. Magnetic fields steer the electrons.
Saturn is like a supernova that accelerates charged particles by its electric field
David Sterns writes in "Birth of a Radiation Belt" "We have abundant evidence that ions and electrons in space are indeed accelerated to high energies, all over the universe, in flares and CMEs near the sun, in elusive "substorms" of the magnetosphere, in the radiation belts of Jupiter and other magnetized planets, and from unknown sources of cosmic rays that bombard earth."
A shock wave was recorded on earth on 1991 by magnetic observatories through its associated magnetic pulse. The shock wave was accompanied by a strong electric field, a voltage spike.
Electric fields from supernovas are accelerating charged particles, positive charged ions, and cosmic rays. The stripped electrons are steered by magnetic fields. Outer space is a plasma environment. Big-bang cosmology believes that gravity causes a supernova explosion, and therefore attempts to explain everything their own way. But stars and galaxies are over 99.9% plasma, which includes plasma dust. Only stars having enormous electric and magnetic fields will become supernovas. Electric currents may increase during the brief lifetime of massive stars that are believed to form theoretical postulated black holes when they supernova. Most massive supernovas are very near the galaxy's center, and collectively the jets of many supernovas coalesce like a superfluid flow to produce the galaxy's jet. Galaxies are mostly illuminated by their own supernova radiation. A supernova briefly produces as much radiation as does the entire galaxy, and about every 200 years a supernova occurs.
An electric current flows around the earth in the ionsphere that reaches all the way to the surface or the ground. Globally clouds produce thunderstorms in ways related to incoming cosmic rays and even volcanic eruptions. The electric field can explain by demonstration what is called the "tidal pull of gravity" that we feel on earth, and see when the ocean tides rise and fall. Earth is actually suspended inside a spinning plasma bubble or magnetosphere, that spins inside the solar system bubble, that spins inside the local star group bubble...and the galaxy bubble that is formed by rapid star formation supernovas near the galaxy's center, not by a black hole, but by fractal cosmological organization. Larger planets have stronger intrinsic magnetic and electric fields than smaller ones throughout our solar system, except planets tidally locked, which results in other additional electrical phenomena as lightning and magnetosphere.
A galaxy is largely a collective supernova electromagnetic phenomena - Jets accelerate charged particles by electric fields, and star formation is ruled and shaped by magnetic fields. The outdated belief is that a galaxy is a gravitational bound system of stars requiring dark matter to maintain it's thin flat shape. The galaxy rotation curve paradigm for the big-bang requires inventing many different kinds of theoretical dark matter. The most accepted model is cold dark matter near absolute zero, which might be laboratory undetectable liquid helium and solid hydrogen. These two atoms comprise over 99.5% of the universe's atoms, but foolishly only as gaseous states, notably inside densely packed cold molecular clouds where protostellar cores are seen to condense in a galaxy. Supernova core remnants are never found no matter how hard they search, only an imagined existence behind dust and gas. Everything learned in science and objective reality comes from studying electromagnetic phenomena.
The visible surface of the sun is only about 6,000 degrees celsius. Just a few hundred kilometers above the visible surface, and below the solar corona, a strangely unexplainable temperature inversion layer exists about 4,000 degrees celsius. This cool layer has been found in our nearest twin like neighbor alpha centauri.
Stars are seen to form inside dense interstellar gas and dust filaments deep inside molecular clouds. Temperatures are only between 10 - 20 degrees kelvin. The cold gases clump together into higher densities deep inside molecular clouds, until stars form by condensation. The coldest regions near the center of the molecular cloud are near absolute zero, where stars very likely form by a phase change having a liquid helium core. Heat always flows from a hot to a cold object by thermodynamic law. The liquid helium core slowly evaporates, ejecting impurities throughout the normal lifetime of the star, at a stable rate determined by the magnetic field. The cool layer strange temperature minimum is part of this process. Star formation
Supernovas eject both hot and cold clumpy material, that is responsible for star formation. The cold material clumps together to form new protostars.
Observations of stars forming in extremely cold conditions, should be conclusive evidence that star formation models based on gravitational collapse and thermonuclear fusion are wrong.
NASA SDO video shows how plasma is a superfluid that behaves like both a gas and a liquid. The surface of the sun is opaque, and its interior is unknown. Intricately detailed fractal patterns of plasma produced at and near the surface by electric and magnetic fields, reveal this internal organization that only a liquid helium core structure could produce.
Quantum vortices in a liquid helium core of a star, produce magnetic fields and explains cosmology. Many scientists have collectively contributed their findings about liquid helium, that when taken together, show facts how black holes are models of piezoelectric metamaterials with dusty impurities in liquid helium.
IC 2184 is remarkable, having an aligned filament looking along our line of sight. Stars form inside filaments. Filaments can stretch for billions of light years in length. ESO/HUBBLE & NASA say that IC 2184 is "two interacting galaxies." This is arbitrary to the proof that hundreds of closely packed galaxies are seen in a vortex state, connected together like beads on strings by filaments, beneath the V shaped location where two filaments intersect.
ESA/HUBBLE & NASA have the professional version interpretation that is related to the big-bang theory:
"Tidal tails" are vast filaments where stars form that connect galaxies together. Galaxies that we can see are groupings of stars, in particular their collective supernovas. The term "tidal tail" is misleading, and implies that a galaxy is a gravitational object with solid mass, instead of charged plasma gases in cold vacuum conditions. Galaxies like atoms are not in a fixed state of existence. All the galaxies in this photo are connected together by filaments, and follow a filamentary pattern. We see proof of hundreds of galaxies connected together by filaments at the bottom of the screen. IC 2184 is a close up section of two filaments aligned with our line of sight, that we can see right through its vast length, connecting together left and right dozens of large galaxies. IC 2184 is not a special case where two galaxies are caught interacting by gravity, instead it is a rare alignment where we can see hundreds of galaxies connected together by the same filament.
Line of sight filament looking at SN 2012A - Seeing the BIG PICTURE
SN 2012A is aligned along a line of sight filament connecting what they call two "interacting galaxies"
Russian Meteor Explosion and Asteroid 2012 DA14 Near Encounter Breaks Sets New Records Within 24 Hours Apart. NASA says they are not related events because they cannot explain it using their own gravity theories, and want to reduce panic. This story explains how Asteroid 2012 DA14 and the Russian meteor are astronomical related events happening together in an extremely brief time span. Why it's not just a coincidence like they say...
On Feb 15 2013, a space satellite photographs the meteor
that broke apart into its first largest fragments 32 to 50 miles above earth's surface
Meteors also were seen over San Francisco and Cuba on Feb 16, 2013
People in Russia take photos of the meteor everywhere on Feb 15, 2013
the local brightness depends on the trajectory changes
One of many fragments of the Russian meteor lands in a frozen lake, becoming a meteorite displaying black colors in the ice. It could be carbonaceous material from a carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, or the mineral magnetite, found in all iron nickel meteorites?
Lake 1 is very small, and is one of several impact sights showing no black magnetite material
Lake 2 : contains small 0.5 to 1 cm pieces of black matter resembling rock around the ice hole impact sight
Scientists have collected meteorite samples up to 1 cm size and are analyzing it. Divers could not find a larger piece. Citizens are looking for pieces of the meteorite in many places.
Photos of metallic meteorite pieces look similar to the black matter at the Russian lake impact sight. This is likely material associated with asteroid 2012 DA14 that encountered strong interplanetary magnetic fields, and was deflected towards earth's magnetic field along a different trajectory. Samples should match with asteroid 2012 DA14 and prove we all really knew this. Gravity scientists offer nothing but denial that this can be related. In the future, we all know that any large body passing close to earth like asteroid 2012 DA14 is going to have associated pieces following the same trajectory, that can be deflected by strong magnetic fields. This will be far worse next time asteroid 2012 DA14 returns.
Russian meteorite fragments found in a lake near Chebarkul have been studied by Viktor Grohovsky of the Urals Federal University. "The meteorite is an ordinary chondrite, a stony meteorite about 10% iron" says Grohovsky.
an ordinary stony chondrite meteorite was found in Russia
the Russian chondrite meteorite sample from a frozen lake contains 10% iron.
radioactivity detectors
53 pieces of the meteorite were collected to study
this is a sample of the Russian stony meteorite, an ordinary chondrite containing 8% iron, olivine, and sulfite. Silicates also comprise most of the mass of low metallic S-type asteroids. The Nanotech center in Urals University says "We have diagnosed all the common minerals found - the metallic iron, olivine, and sulfite." "Over 8% of the mass consists of these metals." Sulfite burning in the atmosphere explains the reported smells.
People reported there was a terrible smell of sulfur in the air. It was the sulfite burning in the atmosphere from the Russian meteor.
There is a group of stony meteorites called carbonaceous chondrites consisting largely of hydrated magnesium-iron silicate, magnetite, and magnesium sulfate. This groundmass encloses chondrules of olivine.
NASA said "the trajectory of the Russian meteor was significantly different than the trajectory of the asteroid 2012 DA14, making it a completely unrelated object." They had opposite traveling north to south trajectories, and not the same trajectory, to be related events. The Interplanetary Magnetic Field could be responsible for diverting asteroid fragments, since the strengths and effects of cosmic magnetic fields keeps increasing beyond what is currently believed at NASA. The sun's magnetic field lines have recently been shown to reinforce and align with the magnetic field lines of earth, involving magnetic reconnection and space portals around earth's magnetosphere. A near encounter with the interplanetary magnetic field by the asteroid 2012 DA14, could break smaller pieces apart, and deflect the trajectory of their orbits around the sun. Two orbits can be separated by a time anomaly angle, but have the same trajectory. A recent very near encounter with the interplanetary magnetic field of the smaller mass asteroid fragment, could deflect and change trajectory, so to possibly strike earth. The Russian meteor broke apart into fragments over Urals, and scattered into fragments streaking across three regions. The meteorite that landed in the lake was moving at a low trajectory about 30 km/s and weighed about 10 tons before entering earth's atmosphere. The larger asteroid passed by earth about 24 hours later, and is the biggest object to ever come so close to earth. These two events are very likely related.
The trajectory of the Russian meteor made it appear to arrive from the sun and approach earth. These asteroids suddenly appear out from nowhere from the direction of the sun and cannot be seen or predicted. Magnetic reconnection between the sun and earth connect together the magnetic field lines of both objects, and these lines of force cause magnetic anomalies when a passing object with mass comes nearby. Magnetic field lines will change the trajectory of a deflected object to travel in opposite directions. Scientists wish not to discuss but rather to dismiss everything as a coincidence to be the experts in authority.
Gingin observatory filmed a motion video from time elapsed photos of asteroid DA 14 as it approached earth.
It's not just a 1 in 10 billion cosmic coincidence that asteroid DA14 approached earth, and brought with it fragments that became fireballs seen over Russia and the San Francisco bay area. Nobody should believe what the media and government authorities say, when they're so sure that there is not any kind of relation at all. To admit that magnetic fields and electric currents can divert the trajectories of fragments of asteroids near earth, proves that gravity cosmology is wrong.
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